Favorite Small Businesses

Lost Star Cravt

If you are looking for beautifully made strands deeply connected to literature, film, myth, and fairy tales, look to the handwork of Athena, the creator and sole proprietor of Lost Star Cravt jewelry. A trip to the website just to look is time well spent, with Athena’s eye for capturing the elusive nature of moonstone, labradorite, and other gorgeous stones in various forms of light. But even better is to purchase a strand for yourself: each piece is so stunning and carries with it a strong healing energy. Whether I’m wearing my Lost Star Cravt strand around my neck or looped around my wrist, it is a talisman of protection. Athena’s strands are affordable AND she often holds generous sales. Follow her on social media and watch for her collections as well as her stories which accompany the releases, for they are every bit as entrancing as the jewels themselves.

COMING SOON: Athena will be offering a collection inspired by a favorite film in conjunction with my offering an online class on the film! STAY TUNED!

The Insta Retreat 2.0

A life-changing, small business-changing course

Created and taught by Sara Tasker, this course gives you everything you need to know to self-market your own small business using social media, but primarily Instagram. I came into running my small business with no background or coursework in marketing, but in a few months, I have made tremendous changes and grown so much in confidence. I am still learning, and Sara facilitates that because once you buy her course, you’re in it FOR LIFE. You can go back and retake it with a new class as often as you want. No additional charge.

There is one-on-one coaching, group discussions on Facebook, lots of fun and interesting homework assignments, and 2 zoom calls a week (plus some other extras) that cover coaching and mindset. There are things that this course uncovered for me that were buried SO DEEPLY that affected my ability to take risks or branch into a new area. I am forever grateful that another small business owner (see below) pointed me in the direction to take this course. I found it invaluable and continue to do so. If you want more information, please reach out! I’d love to tell you more about my experience. If you choose to take the course, please feel free to use my affiliate link. In yet another way she supports small businesses, Sara offers a commission to former students who become affiliates. If you take her course, you can become an affiliate too!

Fiddler’s Green and Tales from Fiddler’s Green

Fiddler’s Green Peculiar Parish Magazine

Fiddler’s Green is a dreamy ‘zine, filled with evocative illustrations, essays, stories, poetry, musings, reviews, an embossed cover, and often, a playable flexi-disc. It is a publication that lured me in like a siren song from the first time I ever saw a picture of it on my “suggestions for you” on social media. I have never looked back.

After one of my fairy tales was accepted for publication, I volunteered myself to be the editor for a special collection of stories and poetry alone in a stand-alone issue, and Clint Marsh, the creator and editor, gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s a few years later now and we are beginning to set the wheel into motion to call for submissions to the second issue of “Tales.” It is my privilege to work with this caliber of creative material.

Tales from Fiddler’s Green

You can click here to travel over to the website to pick up a copy of Tales, the latest issue of Fiddler’s Green, or any one of a series of fascinating pamphlets on single subjects. There is also a bookshop of some really unusual and hard-to-find books and ‘zines for your perusal. These publications prove that a small group of dedicated writers and artists can come together and produce some truly magnificent, timeless art for the ages, even in a world that seems to ignore lanquid afternoons spent dreaming a bit more than we’d like. Escape into our world here.

A Novel Idea

An Independent Bookstore in Philadelphia, PA

Through Fiddler’s Green, an independent ‘zine, and its sister publication for which I am the series editor, Tales from Fiddler’s Green, I became acquainted with Christina Rosso-Schneider, and suddenly I realized that I had a local indie bookstore even though it’s a few hours away!

That’s because I place orders with Christina, and I occasionally teach online for Christina and her husband Alex who own and run the shop! ANI has a TON of amazing programming both in person and virtual, and their book selection is fantastic. Christina also runs several different themed book clubs, and I have expanded my esoteric library greatly from taking party in the witch-themed book club. So if you’re looking for a wonderful family-owned shop where the owners have great taste AND awesome pups, then ANI is a great small business to support!